The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is the most complex astronomical observatory ever built on Earth. Alma is an astronomical interferometer of 66 radio telescopes in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, which observe electromagnetic radiation at millimeter and submilliter wavelengths. The array has been constructed on the 5.000 m elevation Chajnantor plateau.

This location was chosen for its high elevation and low humidity, factors that are crucial to reduce noise and decrease signal attenuation due to Earth’s atmosphere. ALMA is expected to provide insight on start birth during the early stelliferous era and detailed imagining of local start and planet formation

Casos de Éxito Delvalle - Telescopio del Desierto de Atacama


Delvalle’s engineering department offered a solution to the client, which ensure the operability of the internal components due to external condition of the Atacama Desert.

At Delvalle, we developed a solution with our stainless steel enclosures with climate control cooling, both of them with certification to ensure the right equipment operation.

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