EMC Electrical Enclosures Solutions

Luxor EMC Wall Mount Enclosure · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Luxor EMC enclosures with an EPDM conductive gasket between frame and contact surface, ensure a perfect electrical connection and...
Tribeca EMC Free-Stand Enclosures · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Tribeca EMC enclosures with an EPDM conductive gasket between frame and contact surface, ensure a perfect electrical connection...
Geo EMC Junction Boxes · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Geo EMC Series push-button and junction box with an EPDM conductive gasket between frame and contact surface, ensure a perfect...
Storm EMC Outdoor Rack 19 · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Outdoor telecom 19" rack cabinet Storm Series enclosure EMC, designed to be placed in outdoor areas, protecting the electronic...
Outdoor Rack Tornado EMC · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
 Outdoor rack Tornado EMC IP55 with an EPDM conductive gasket between frame and contact surface, ensure a perfect electrical...
EMC Filter Fans Prius IP55 · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
EMC fan with fitted filter and EMC conductive gasket. High performance, low power, and silent working, with a slim design, only 4...
Metric EMC Stainless Steel Cable Glands IP68 · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Metric EMC stainless steel cable glands IP68 are made of stainless steel AISI 304 and AISI 316, allow electronic devices to not...
Metric EMC Nickel Plated Cable Glands IP68 · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Metric EMC nickel plated cable glands IP68 are made of stainless steel AISI 304 and allow electronic devices to not interfere...
EMC Cable Entry Seals for Enclosures & Cabinets Roxtec · Delvalle BoxDelvalle Box
Delvalle is a Roxtec authorized instalator & distributor....


Some switchboards and electrical enclosures are used in environments subject to electromagnetic disturbances, or they may produce disturbances capable of altering the correct working of other components in the area. Our cabinets are made with the maximum guarantee of protection and screening in order to provide a complete EMC solution (2014/30/UE).

Delvalle offers a EMC enclosures solution for every application, with a double function: Power compensation in a standard box, in order to prevent influences on conductors
Excellent additional EMC protection against high-frequency electromagnetic fields.
Our customers benefit from all these advantages with an exceptional performance-price ratio (value for money).
Actually, any standard cabinet by Delvalle gives a protection against electric fields which proves satisfactory in most cases. But for those installations requiring an extra guarantee and safety, our EMC cabinets will perform their function in a reliable way. In environments subject to electromagnetic fields our EMC solutions give optimal screening to prevent internal or external disturbances.

Electromagnetic Compatibility is defined in the EMC Directive 2004/108/CE  as “the ability of equipments to function satisfactorily in a electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to other equipment in the same environment,” and covers two basic principles:

  • Not to disturb the other equipment and not to emit disturbances above a given level (this is called “disturbance emission”).
  • Not to be disturbed by other equipment with a sufficient level of protection so as not to be disturbed easily (this is called “disturbance immunity”).

Electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields are everywhere also around enclosures and boxes:

  • They are mostly conventional electromagnetic fields such as grid connection lines, signal and control lines, and electrical and electronic modules which radiate electromagnetic fields.
  • Delvalle electrical enclosures give the protection needed for conventional electromagnetic fields. However, for some intense electromagnetic fields like microwaves, EDM facilities by arc, HF welding techniques…  it is necessary to create a complete screening effect.

For this, we have created our line of Delvalle EMC solutions (enclosures, ventilation, air conditioning and other accessories).

South Africa
Implementation of 19" Stainless Steel Electrical Racks for Mines in South Africa...
Outdoor Enclosures Low Emission Zones · Delvalle Box
The Challenge: Ensuring Reliability in Low Emission Zones (LEZ)...
Port of Barcelona · Delvalle Box
To measure particles in environments contaminated by chlorinated hydrocarbons (HCH) in the Port of...